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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Immigrant with cancer part of trio that won $1.326 billion Powerball prize from Oregon Lottery

The Oregon Lottery announced the winners of the $1.326 billion Powerball jackpot, revealing Cheng and Duanpen Saephan and their friend Laiza Chao as the lucky winners. Cheng, who has been battling cancer for eight years, expressed his happiness for his family and discussed his plans to use the winnings for medical treatment and buying a home. The winning ticket was sold at a Plaid Pantry convenience store in Portland, with the store receiving a $100,000 bonus. The winners have the option to take a lump sum or annual payments, subject to taxes. This jackpot was the fourth-largest in Powerball history and the eighth-largest in U.S. lottery games.


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