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Inside the Finito de Córdoba and Arantxa del Sol household: An intimate glimpse into the life of their daughter, Lucía

Lucía, the daughter of Finito de Córdoba and Arantxa del Sol, was very emotional when her parents met again in Honduras. She reacted to this passionate moment and shared about life outside her family.

While Arantxa del Sol and Finito de Córdoba reunited in Honduras, their daughter Lucia was very emotional, reacting to this passionate moment and talking about life outside her family.

The passionate and tearful reunion between Arantxa del Sol and Finito in Honduras: “You told me come and I left everything”

“They are romantic, I always tell them that they are like 15 year old children, sometimes I hallucinate. My father is very detail-oriented with my father,” Lucía assured about her parents’ relationship and gave some details about how her father surprises her mother.

After seeing how Finito and Arantxa wasted love in Honduras, Lucía couldn’t help but get emotional on set while talking about her family: “It’s what I’m very grateful for. I get home, I see my father, my mother and my brother on the couch and I say: ‘how lucky I am to have a united family, parents who they admire each other, They love each other and support each other every day. That’s what they pass on to me and my little brother, that’s the best thing I have.”

“I love sleeping with my parents, it gives me peace and tranquility”

In addition, the couple’s daughter told some details about what they are like as a family: “My father drives miles to sleep at home with us and if he has to lie down all night he does it.” And not only this, he also revealed that they also share bedtime: “We get into bed and sleep together. I love sleeping with my parents, it gives me peace and tranquility. When I’m bad I get into bed with my mother or my father and it calms me down, and so does my brother.”

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