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Investigation into Massive Column of Smoke in South Miami-Dade Unveils Surprising Reason (VIDEO)

A grass fire was burning in southwest Miami-Dade on Sunday, creating a large plume of smoke that could be seen across the county.

By CBS News

At around 2:14 p.m., Miami-Dade Fire Rescue responded to a grass fire reported in the area of ​​southwest 137th Avenue and 8th Avenue. To protect nearby structures, the blaze was upgraded to a second-alarm fire for additional units to assist in extinguishment efforts, MDFR told CBS News Miami.

“We currently have more than 18 units on site supporting the Florida Forest Service to extinguish the fire,” MDFR stated. “Fire units are patrolling the area putting out spot fires and air rescue was sent to deploy water drops to contain the fire.”

According to MDFR, sections of the fire to the south have been knocked down, but firefighters continue to battle the fire as it moves west. Due to smoke and limited visibility, nearby roads will be closed until further notice.

MDFR asks everyone to avoid the area due to smoky conditions, especially if you have respiratory problems, and to close all windows and doors to prevent smoke from entering your homes and businesses, and to use your air conditioning units to recirculate air inside buildings.

Read more at CBS News

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