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Investigation into Michael Cohen’s texts and recordings regarding hush money intensifies

In her testimony, Hope Hicks stated that President Trump values Melania Trump’s opinion. She mentioned that Trump did not want his family to be hurt or embarrassed during the campaign, as he wanted them to be proud of him. Hicks also spoke about Michael Cohen, saying he liked to call himself “Mr. Fix It”. During cross-examination, Hicks began to cry when Trump’s attorney brought up the work opportunities she was given by the Trump family. Hicks also stated that she did not see Cohen as a charitable or selfless person. Additionally, she recalled a conversation with Trump regarding the Karen McDougal case. Hicks mentioned the effort to avoid the delivery of the Wall Street Journal to Trump’s residence after the McDougal story was published. Later, on Truth Social, Trump complained about evidence played in the courtroom, suggesting it was cut off prematurely.


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