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Iran Recognizes the Dangerous Escalation at Hand

The Israeli army recently displayed a part of an Iranian ballistic missile that was recovered from the Dead Sea. This discovery came after Iran threatened to launch hundreds of projectiles in its first direct attack against Israel.

The recovered debris represents only 70% of the missile, as the warhead and other sections were destroyed during interception.

Israel, with the assistance of the United States, Great Britain, France, and Jordan, successfully repelled a massive volley of Iranian missiles and drones launched during the night between last Saturday and Sunday.

Israeli military shows an Iranian ballistic missile that they recovered from the Dead Sea (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)
Israeli military shows an Iranian ballistic missile that they recovered from the Dead Sea (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)

Israeli military spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari revealed that Iran launched 110 ballistic missiles along with drones and medium-range missiles in an unprecedented attack. This intensified tensions in the region.

According to Hagari, the Iranian salvo contained a total of 60 tons of explosives. Israel demonstrated its defensive and offensive capabilities during the attack. The country made it clear that its response to Iran’s aggression would be on its own terms and timing.

Israeli military spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)
Israeli military spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)

Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner emphasized Israel’s goal to prevent Iran from conducting such attacks in the future. He stressed that living under the threat of ballistic missile attacks was unacceptable and that Iran’s actions in the region were alarming.

A model of a missile in Tehran, Iran (REUTERS)
A model of a missile in Tehran, Iran (REUTERS)

Overall, the Israeli response to the Iranian attack was a display of the country’s willingness to defend itself and protect its citizens from external threats.

(With information from Reuters)

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