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Is Trump’s Marriage at Risk Due to Actress’ Payment Trial?

Melania Trump was furious in January 2018 when reports emerged that her husband had paid a porn actress. She flew to Palm Beach, Florida, leaving the president in Washington, and returned to the White House separately to attend Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address. During a criminal trial against Trump for falsifying records to cover up a scandal involving Stormy Daniels, Melania did not make an appearance. Although she privately referred to the case as “his problem,” she reportedly views the trial as unfair.

While she may support her husband, headlines involving Trump and Daniels could cause old wounds to reopen. Judge Juan Merchan mentioned that Melania Trump could potentially be a witness as the trial progresses. Melania’s support (or lack thereof) has the power to influence her husband’s candidacy.

Details of Trump’s behavior that emerged in court may not include some damaging information, as Merchan prohibited certain testimonies related to Trump’s alleged affair with Karen McDougal. The trial is expected to examine a timeline that Trump may prefer not to revisit, including his encounter with Daniels in 2006.

Reports of a bribe surprised Melania, who distanced herself after the initial reports. Trump allies suggest that she has grown stronger and might become more involved in the election campaign. However, personal matters, such as her son Barron’s upcoming graduation and the recent passing of her mother, may affect her availability for campaigning.

Melania Trump’s allies mention that she may return to the campaign trail selectively and are pushing for Kellyanne Conway to rejoin Trump’s inner circle. Conway, a trusted confidant, has stated that Trump values Melania’s opinion and may even fear it above others.

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