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Israeli Army Asks Palestinians to Avoid Returning to Northern Gaza

The Israeli military has reiterated its warnings to Palestinians in Gaza not to return to the battered north of the territory. This comes after hospital officials reported that five people died when displaced residents attempted to reach their homes in the war-torn area.

Northern Gaza was a primary target of Israel’s war against Hamas, leading to significant devastation. As a result, many inhabitants were forced to flee to the south. Despite an estimated 250,000 people still residing in the north, the Israeli army has prevented most displaced individuals from returning, citing it as a combat zone.

The army has reduced the number of troops in the enclave, claiming to have loosened Hamas’s control over the north. However, Israel continues to conduct bombings and targeted operations in the area against what it perceives as militants attempting to regroup.

Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee emphasized that Palestinians must remain in southern Gaza, as the north is considered a “dangerous combat zone.” Following Sunday’s violence, people seemed to heed this new warning.

Hospital officials in Gaza reported that Israeli forces killed five individuals attempting to return to the north, with dozens more injured in the incident. The circumstances surrounding the deaths were unclear.

Before the violence, crowds of displaced residents headed north in hopes of returning to their homes, facing difficult living conditions in the south. The ongoing conflict in Gaza has caused immense suffering for civilians, leading to displacement and precarious living conditions.

The situation in Gaza has plunged the territory into a humanitarian crisis, with over a million people on the brink of starvation. Efforts to deliver aid to the besieged enclave have faced challenges, with difficulties in distribution persisting despite increased deliveries.

The conflict began in October, with Hamas initiating a raid in southern Israel that resulted in casualties and hostages being taken to Gaza. Subsequent Israeli bombings and ground offensives have led to a significant loss of life and injuries in Gaza, with civilians making up a large portion of the casualties.

Israel claims to have killed thousands of militants in the conflict but has not provided evidence to support this assertion.

(With information from AP)

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