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Israeli Army Kills Five West Bank Militants, Including Noted Local Commander

The Israeli military reported the deaths of five militants during a significant operation in the West Bank early Thursday. Among those killed was Mohammed Jaber, also known as Abu Shujaa, a prominent commander of the Islamic Jihad militant group based in the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem.

Abu Shujaa was regarded as a figure of local admiration. Earlier this year, he was thought to have been killed in an Israeli operation but surprised many by showing up at a funeral for other militants, where he was celebrated by a supportive crowd.

According to the military, he and four other militants were engaged in a firefight with Israeli forces after taking refuge inside a mosque. The army stated that Abu Shujaa had been involved in various attacks against Israelis, including a deadly incident in June, and was allegedly planning further assaults.

In addition to the fatalities, the military operation in Tulkarem resulted in the arrest of another militant, while a member of Israel’s Border Police sustained minor injuries.

The operation was part of a broader campaign initiated by Israel in the West Bank that commenced overnight into Wednesday. Reports indicated that at least ten Hamas fighters were killed in various locations, alongside an eleventh casualty whose status—fighter or civilian—remains unclear, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

The recent violence in the West Bank has escalated following Hamas’ attack from Gaza on October 7, which ignited a larger conflict in the region.

Nur Shams refugee camp is one of several densely populated camps established after the 1948 conflict, when around 700,000 Palestinians were displaced or fled what is now Israel. Many of these camps have developed into strongholds for militant groups.

Since Israel’s capture of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War, the Palestinian people have sought sovereignty over these territories for their future state. Currently, around 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank live under what appears to be indefinite Israeli military control, while the Palestinian Authority, supported by international backing, governs certain towns and cities.

Within this context, over 500,000 Jewish settlers, who possess Israeli citizenship, reside in more than 100 settlements scattered throughout the West Bank. Most of these settlements are viewed as illegal under international law.

The ongoing situation remains highly complex and volatile, with incidents of violence marring the day-to-day lives of those in the region. The interplay between military operations and militant responses continues to shape the narrative within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In the wake of these events, concerns about the humanitarian situation in the West Bank grow amid sporadic clashes and military actions. The sociopolitical landscape remains fraught with tension, as both sides navigate an undeniably challenging environment.

As the situation evolves, many are watching closely for potential implications on the peace process and the long-term resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Source: Associated Press