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Israeli Security Needs ‘Fundamental Changes’ After Ayensur Eygi Killing

On September 10, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on Israeli security forces to implement “fundamental changes” to their operations in the West Bank. This request comes in the wake of the tragic death of American-Turkish activist Ayensur Ezgi Eygi.

During a press conference in London, Blinken cited preliminary findings from an investigation released by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Eyewitness accounts indicated that Eygi was shot by Israeli troops while participating in a weekly demonstration against settlement expansion. Eyewitnesses described the shooting as “unprovoked and unjustified.”

“No one — no one — should be shot and killed for attending a protest,” Blinken stated emphatically. He continued, “No one should have to put their life at risk just for freely expressing their views.”

According to a statement from the IDF, their inquiry suggested that it was “highly likely” Eygi was “hit indirectly and unintentionally” by IDF fire that was intended for what they described as the key instigator of the riot occurring at the protest.

The IDF explained that the incident unfolded during a violent confrontation where dozens of Palestinian demonstrators burned tires and threw rocks at security forces at Beita Junction.

In light of the incident, the IDF has initiated an investigation through its Military Police Criminal Investigation Division. The findings of this investigation will be reviewed by the Military Advocate General’s Corps once completed. Additionally, Israel has formally requested to conduct an autopsy on Eygi’s body.

Blinken remarked that the United States is “looking carefully” at the IDF’s investigation. However, he maintained that even if the investigation’s findings are accepted as is, there are significant issues needing attention. “In our judgment, Israeli security forces need to make some fundamental changes in the way that they operate in the West Bank, including changes to their rules of engagement,” he stated.

Furthermore, he pointed out reports indicating that security forces often “look the other way” when extremist settlers commit acts of violence against Palestinians. This behavior stands in stark contrast to numerous reports detailing excessive force used by Israeli security forces against Palestinian individuals.

The demands for accountability have not only resonated within the U.S. government, as both Eygi’s family and the United Nations have called for independent investigations into her death. The international community continues to pay close attention to the implications of Eygi’s tragic fate and the ongoing violence in the region, underscoring the urgent need for changes in policy and practice by Israeli authorities.

The situation highlights the complex and often perilous dynamics at play in the West Bank, raising questions about the conduct of security forces and their engagement rules, particularly in relation to protests and civilian safety.

As the U.S. takes a stand on this matter, it marks a significant moment in addressing Israeli-Palestinian tensions and reaffirms the need for a reassessment of security practices that have far-reaching consequences for all involved.

Source: UPI