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Jefferson Farfán Speaks Out About Darinka Ramírez, Mother of His New Baby Luana | Exclusive Interview Released | Entertainment News | WATCH NOW

Jefferson Farfán recently sat down for an exclusive interview with ‘América hoy’, where he was joined by Ethel Pozo, Janet Barboza, Brunella Horna, and Edson Dávila. During the interview, Farfán opened up about Darinka Ramírez, the mother of his youngest daughter.

The ‘Foquita’ also spoke about his daughter Luana and emphasized that he is focused on his work and personal projects. He mentioned, “I am focused on other things, on my projects… I just became a dad, she is 1 year and 3 months old.”

Farfán expressed pride in the fact that the news of his relationship with Darinka and the birth of his child did not leak to the press. He mentioned, “There are things that are not filtered, there are things that must be kept to themselves. What happens is that complicated situations happened just when my daughter’s mother gave birth.”

Additionally, Farfán revealed that he maintains a good relationship with the mother of his child and that she gets along well with his mother, Doña Charo. He said, “We have enormous cordiality, she and my mother get along very well, which for me is the most important thing.”

Darinka Ramírez would be the mother of Foquita Farfán’s daughter

Farfán’s interview shed light on his personal life and relationships, showing a side to him that fans may not have seen before.

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