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John Stamos Explains Why the Church of Scientology Expelled Him

Back in the ‘80s, John Stamos had a brief and unusual brush with the Church of Scientology. His journey began when an assistant to his former acting tutor, named Mia, gave him books and resources about the belief system. She eventually invited him to visit the Celebrity Center in Hollywood, California.

Stamos described the building as “grand, ornate, and creepy as f–k,” likening it to a mixture of Chateau Marmont, Disney’s Haunted Mansion, and a mental hospital. Despite his initial misgivings, Stamos decided to step inside.

Once inside, Stamos was introduced to the E-meter, a device the Church claims can detect varying emotional states, identify stored engrams, and gauge spiritual distress. Instead of engaging seriously, Stamos found the double-cup device amusing and started playing around with it, much to Mia’s discomfort.

Stamos’ antics, which included impersonating characters from Peabody and Sherman, led to a swift exit from the premises. His lack of seriousness prompted the church to kick him out. He even recalled a peculiar moment where a strange-looking man pinched his hand during the session.

This experience is detailed in Stamos’ book, If You Would Have Told Me. He recounts being interrogated about his thoughts on the church’s beliefs, its founder L. Ron Hubbard, his criminal history, and even some bizarre questions about sex.

Ultimately, the E-meter’s needle indicated that Stamos wasn’t fit for Scientology, much to Mia’s disappointment. Although Stamos didn’t make the cut, other celebrities like John Travolta, Elisabeth Moss, and Tom Cruise have maintained longstanding associations with the Church.

Source: Page Six