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JOH’s Defense Requests Two-Week Extension to Respond to NY Prosecutor’s Office

The defense lawyer of the former president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, Renato Stabile requested an extension of two weeks from the Federal Court of the Southern District of New York to respond to a motion from the United States Attorney’s Office opposing a retrial.

Stabile requested until April 26, 2024, to respond to the government’s 54-page opposition to the defendant’s 12-page Rule 33 motion. Once the defense presents its response, Judge Kevin Castel will issue a final resolution.

Hernández’s defense argued that a DEA specialist’s testimony misled the jury and that the Southern District of New York was not the appropriate venue for the trial.

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office in New York, which accused Hernández of drug trafficking, opposed granting a new trial for the former president in a 59-page document.

Hernández, who was president from 2014 to 2022, was found guilty of drug and weapons trafficking on March 8 after a trial in the federal court in New York.

The defense argued that exculpatory evidence was not provided, while the Prosecutor’s Office cited evidence of Hernández’s involvement in drug trafficking conspiracies, accepting bribes, and abusing his power as president.

The Prosecutor’s Office maintained that a new trial should not be granted, as there was sufficient evidence supporting the jury’s verdict. Hernández faces life in prison, with sentencing scheduled for June 26.

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