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Jon Snow’s Sword and Jaime Lannister’s Hand: ‘Game of Thrones’ Items for Sale

Some of the most recognizable memorabilia from the world of “Game of Thrones” is set to go under the hammer. An upcoming auction is featuring an array of props, costumes, set pieces, weaponry, and jewelry directly from the iconic television series.

Scheduled to take place from October 10 to 12 in Beverly Hills, California, the event promises a treasure trove of pieces reminiscent of the epic tale. Collectors and fans alike will have the chance to bid on over 900 items, with highlights including Jon Snow’s impressive Valyrian steel sword and Jaime Lannister’s striking golden hand. This auction is organized in partnership between Heritage Auctions and HBO, showcasing more than 2,000 pieces from the series, including the ever-popular dragon eggs.

Michele Clapton, the costume designer for the show, shared her thoughts on the auction, expressing how gratifying it is to see these beloved items finding new homes. “You design things for a television show, and usually that’s the extent of their lifespan: They get put in boxes and stored away,” Clapton stated. “I am very fortunate that these costumes will have an afterlife. I find it’s rather comforting to know they will carry on, that they’re still loved and talked about. Now they can all go off and have their great lives.”

The television series, adapted from George R.R. Martin’s acclaimed book series, garnered immense popularity during its run and achieved an impressive tally of 59 Emmy Awards. The show even paved the way for the prequel series “House of the Dragon,” further expanding the universe that captivated millions.

The upcoming auction features items that span the entire series, ranging from its premiere in 2011 to its contentious conclusion in 2019. Among the many sought-after pieces are several items that have become fan favorites over the years.

For those eager to acquire a piece of Westeros history, it is already possible to place bids on the available items. Fans and collectors can explore the full collection of memorabilia by visiting the auction’s dedicated webpage.

This auction presents a unique opportunity for fans to own a part of the legacy that “Game of Thrones” has created. Whether it’s a cherished costume, a memorable weapon, or striking set decoration, the treasures on offer are sure to evoke nostalgia for a series that has made a lasting impact on pop culture.

As the auction dates draw near, excitement continues to build among fans worldwide, many of whom are already envisioning which item they might be lucky enough to obtain. Whether for display in a personal collection or as a treasured gift, these pieces signify an era that many fans hold dear.

In summary, the auction of “Game of Thrones” memorabilia is set to attract not only the show’s ardent fans but also collectors of cinematic history. With pieces that carry stories and memories from the Seven Kingdoms, there is sure to be fierce competition as bidders try to secure their favorite items.

Source: USA Today