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Julián Zucchi Live Broadcast: Emotional Episode Raises Concerns and Sparks Controversy

Julian Zucchi caused concern among his followers when he did a live broadcast appearing to be intoxicated. The actor cried uncontrollably while discussing his children and his mother’s situation, all amidst a media feud with Yiddá Eslava.

Julian was visibly drunk and emotional, expressing, “I fought hard to do things right, to behave properly in a country that is not mine. I tried to do things and was treated very poorly. I swear they treated me very poorly, and maybe I regret doing this live, but it comes from the heart,” he said through tears.

He also mentioned his mother’s poor health after suffering a heart attack, adding to the distress he was feeling.

Desperate followers urged Julian Zucchi to end the live broadcast and take a break, as they saw him in such a distraught state. Messages like “Cut”, “Go to sleep”, “Calm down now”, and “He’s drunk” flooded the comments.

It was a heartfelt and emotional moment for Julian Zucchi, as he grappled with personal struggles in front of his audience.

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