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Kamala Harris Indicates Willingness to Appoint Republican to Cabinet

Kamala Harris expressed her openness to including a Republican in her Cabinet.

Vice President Kamala Harris has revealed her intention to appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if she wins the presidential election. During an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, which aired recently, she discussed the importance of including diverse viewpoints in decision-making processes.

“I would, I think. I think it’s really important. I have spent my career inviting diversity of opinion,” Harris stated. She emphasized that having people with different perspectives is crucial when addressing the nation’s significant issues.

Harris believes that including a Republican in her administration would ultimately benefit the American public. “I think it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my Cabinet who was a Republican,” she noted.

Despite her commitment to this idea, Harris acknowledged the necessity of winning the election first. “I’ve got 68 days to go with this election, so I’m not putting the cart before the horse,” she remarked, highlighting the competitive landscape of the campaign.

In the current administration, there are no Republicans serving in President Joe Biden’s Cabinet, although discussions around including one did occur. Appointing members from the opposing party to Cabinet positions, however, is not without precedent.

Former President Barack Obama appointed Chuck Hagel, a Republican senator from Nebraska, as his Secretary of Defense. Similarly, both Biden and former President Donald Trump included individuals from across the political spectrum in various lower-level roles in their administrations.

Since the launch of her campaign, Harris has made considerable efforts to connect with Republican and independent voters. This includes having former Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger from Illinois as a speaker at the Democratic National Convention.

The Harris campaign released a statement emphasizing that there is room for voters who wish to distance themselves from the severe partisanship represented by Donald Trump. “While Donald Trump continues to attack moderates and independents, as well as Republicans he doesn’t prefer, the Harris-Walz campaign has made clear that there is a place in our coalition for voters who reject the extremism of Donald Trump and want to put country over party,” the statement read.

With her sights set on appealing to a broader electorate, Harris’s strategy reflects her understanding of the political dynamics at play. By embracing bipartisanship, she aims to foster inclusivity and create an administration that reflects a wider array of American voices.

As the campaign progresses, it will be interesting to see how these intentions translate into actual policy proposals and appointments if Harris becomes president. Her approach signals a willingness to bridge divides and work collaboratively, a principle she considers vital for the health of the nation.

With the election looming, the focus will remain on how candidates like Harris position themselves to attract a diverse voter base amidst a highly charged political climate.

Source: Business Insider