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Karina Banda Reveals Engagement in Therapy to Strengthen Relationship with Carlos Ponce’s Children

Karina Banda is not afraid to show vulnerability in front of the cameras and discuss the challenges she has faced on a personal level. Recently, she revealed on the show “Desiguales” that she has sought therapy to improve communication with her husband Carlos Ponce’s mother and children.

During a recent episode of the Univision program, the Mexican presenter opened up about the changes she experienced when entering a relationship with someone who already had children.

“When you enter a relationship where there are already children from the other person, you know it’s a package deal. It’s not just him or her, it’s also his or her children,” she explained to her co-hosts on the show.

Like any relationship, disagreements arise where one must consider how they will impact the children involved. Karina had to navigate her relationship with Carlos Ponce’s four children during the pandemic.

“I believe seeking help from a professional is crucial in handling situations to prevent conflicts with your partner and their children,” she added on the program.

It appears that this decision has positively impacted her relationship with Carlos Ponce’s children – Giancarlo, Sebastian, and the twins Sienna and Savanna. Karina Banda is now considering starting a family with the actor.

A few months ago, she expressed her desire to become a mother, jokingly saying, “I would love twins, I hope I don’t regret it when they both cry at the same time.”

Keep reading:

• Karina Banda reveals betrayal by her ex-partner
• Carlos Ponce and Karina Banda’s Airbnb stay in Puerto Rico inspired by ‘El Chavo del 8’
• Karina Banda sets autumn trend with mini skirt photoshoot

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