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Kelsey Grammer Reveals His Most Starstruck Moment with Gregory Peck

Kelsey Grammer’s most starstruck moment occurred when he met one of his idols, Gregory Peck. But their encounters didn’t stop there. “My most starstruck moment was meeting Gregory Peck in an airport lounge,” Grammer, 69, shared. “He came up [to me], said hello, and congratulated me on the show. I was happy to tell him that he had inspired me throughout my life, and we became friendly.”

From that point on, it seemed whenever Grammer was traveling, he would somehow run into Peck. This chance meeting left a lasting impression on him. In addition to Peck, Grammer lists several legendary actors as his inspirations throughout his career journey.

He fondly remembered growing up admiring actors like John Wayne, Gregory Peck, Anthony Hopkins, and Clint Eastwood. These idols significantly influenced him during his formative years. Grammer’s enthusiasm for these figures reflects his deep appreciation for classic Hollywood talent.

In other updates, Grammer has a new docudrama, “George: Rise of a Revolutionary,” available to stream on FOX Nation. This project marks another exciting venture in his storied career.

Here are 25 personal insights into Grammer’s life:

1. Portraying Dr. Frasier Crane taught him he’s not as weird as the character.
2. His first car was a green Corvair van bought for $100, which ran for about two months.
3. He has the talent to stand on his head.
4. Winning the Golden Globe for “Boss” is his proudest career moment.
5. His awards, including Golden Globes, Emmys, and a Tony, are displayed on a shelf in his office.
6. Reiterates his starstruck moment with Gregory Peck.
7. His favorite movie is “The Searchers.”
8. An alternate profession for him would be running a boat rental company.
9. His favorite fast-food order is a Jamocha Shake from Arby’s.
10. Math was his best subject in school.
11. Admires actors John Wayne, Gregory Peck, Anthony Hopkins, and Clint Eastwood.
12. His go-to karaoke song is “Let’s Dance” by David Bowie.

Grammer also reflects on his life experiences:

13. His first job involved digging ditches at 14 in Florida.
14. Ann-Margret was his celebrity crush growing up.
15. He can’t leave home without his wallet, phone, and money clip, though often forgets one.
16. A cherished memory is being carried to bed by his grandfather, who raised him.
17. His favorite scene in “Cheers” involves Frasier’s humorous line about enjoying himself at a hockey game.
18. His favorite weekend activity is too inappropriate to share but involves relaxing.
19. Decompressing after a long day might include a martini or a beer, talking with his kids, and watching a movie.
20. Favorite meal to cook is escargot.

Additional personal details include:

21. Plays the Word Cookies app frequently.
22. Collects books, with “A Passage to India” by E.M. Forster being a favorite.
23. Any song by James Taylor evokes great memories.
24. His bucket list includes performing plays and films, with the aim to entertain and evoke emotions in his audience.
25. His favorite vacation spot is St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Through these personal revelations, Grammer offers a glimpse into the life of a celebrated actor who remains inspired by the legends of the past while reflecting on his unique experiences and accomplishments.

Source: Us Weekly