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Kevin Hart reacts to Tom Brady’s Netflix roast comments: Here’s his response

Comedian and actor Kevin Hart shared his views on Tom Brady’s comments regarding the Netflix roast that featured the former football star.

In May, Brady appeared on The Pivot Podcast and mentioned that, while he enjoyed the jokes aimed at him during the roast, he regretted how those jokes impacted his children.

“I wouldn’t do that again because of the way it affected actually the people I care about the most,” Brady said.

Several months later, Hart, who hosted the roast, chimed in during an interview with Bleacher Report’s Taylor Rooks, offering his perspective. Hart suggested that Brady probably didn’t regret participating in the roast entirely but rather regretted how he handled certain aspects of it.

“When he says he regretted doing it, I don’t think he’s referring to the ‘it,'” Hart explained. “What he’s referring to is saying, ‘I could have tapered it a little differently.'”

Hart elaborated that he believed Brady might have preferred to review and moderate the jokes made about him to ensure his family would remain comfortable.

During the event, many jokes were directed at Brady’s children, his ex-wife Gisele Bundchen, and other deeply personal aspects of his life. Brady did not specify which jokes were particularly upsetting to his children.

Yes, you can still watch the Brady roast on Netflix. It runs just about three hours long.

Tom Brady received nearly $25 million for his participation in the roast. Hart also presented Brady with a diamond-studded ring valued at $40,000.

Source: Bleacher Report, The Pivot Podcast