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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Koe Wetzel Considers Moving to Minnesota, Impressed by Crowd’s Beauty

Koe Wetzel knows he has a significant following. In every corner of Koe’s world, women are drawn to him. Whether it’s fans flashing him during concerts or expressing their admiration in his social media comments, Koe has undeniably seen it all. Yet, he continues to appreciate the affection from his female fans and the attention they give him.

During the thick of his Damn Near Normal Tour, Koe experienced a notable distraction at a recent show in Minnesota. This distraction didn’t come from a single fan but from many in the pit section and the surrounding areas visible from the stage.

While taking a break between songs, Koe addressed the crowd, as many artists often do, and acknowledged the audience.

“Y’all are the f***ing best, man. And good looking women everywhere! Everywhere I look, y’all got goddamn good looking women everywhere, man. Makes me think I’m back in Texas, you know? Hell, I might move up here to Minnesota. What do y’all think about that?”

The audience responded with cheers, likely predominantly from the female fans. Koe then humorously commented on what might be going through the minds of the male audience members.

“I saw a bunch of dudes saying f*** no, keep your b*tch a** in Texas…which is fine. It’s cool.”

One can imagine he was not far off the mark. There were probably even a few couples who had a disagreement after a girlfriend cheered a little too enthusiastically for Koe’s hypothetical move to Minnesota.

Even though it’s improbable that Koe will trade the Texas heat for Minnesota winters, the mere suggestion was enough to stir the crowd. And if he does decide to make that move – everyone might just need to keep an eye on their significant others.

Source: Koe Wetzel, Damn Near Normal Tour