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Live Chat with Soap Journalist Connie Passalacqua Hayman
The Locher Room

Soap fans might not be familiar with Connie Passalacqua Hayman’s name, but many will recall reading her writing as Marlena De Lacroix for years. A special opportunity is on the horizon to catch up with the writer during a live chat in The Locher Room on Wednesday, July 17, at 3 p.m. ET!

Hayman began her career in soap journalism back in 1980, starting off as the editor for Afternoon TV Magazine and Soap Opera World. She also contributed to various other soap magazines during the genre’s heyday, including Soap Opera People and Soap Opera Digest.

In 1989, when Mimi Torchin launched Soap Opera Weekly magazine, she hired Hayman to write a regular column. This column, known as “Critical Condition,” was penned under the pseudonym Marlena De Lacroix.

Beyond the realm of soap magazines, Hayman has penned pieces for major publications such as the New York Times, the New York Daily News, USA Today, Variety, and TV Guide. In 2007, she expanded her insights on daytime dramas by launching the website Marlena De Lacroix: Soaps for the Thinking Fan.

Given her extensive experience in the industry, Hayman is sure to have an impressive array of stories to share. This is an interview that soap opera aficionados won’t want to miss!

And don’t forget to check out The Locher Room’s YouTube channel for more engaging live chats with other soap opera stars. These shows are also available as audio podcasts on platforms including Amazon, Apple, Google, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and Spreaker.

Source: Soaps In Depth