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Liz Truss Storms Off Stage as ‘I Crashed the Economy’ Banner Featuring Lettuce Appears

Liz Truss stormed off stage last night after pranksters humiliated her while she was on tour promoting her book “10 Years To Save The West.”

The former Prime Minister was mid-sentence at Beccles public hall in Suffolk, discussing why she believes Donald Trump will win the next presidential election. Suddenly, a brutal banner was unveiled behind her, sending the crowd into fits of laughter. The banner read: “I crashed the economy,” and was accompanied by a picture of a lettuce.

An attendant swiftly notified Truss, while the host stammered, “I don’t know what is going on.” The visibly irritated 49-year-old then stormed off stage, saying, “That is not funny.”

The cringeworthy clip, which has amassed 2.9 million views, was published on X by the campaign group Led By Donkeys, who claimed responsibility for the incident. The group captioned the video: “Liz Truss is on a pro-Trump speaking tour. So we dropped a strategically-positioned remote-controlled lettuce banner.”

The stunt was in reference to a social media joke about a lettuce outlasting Truss’ time in office, a challenge originally created by the Daily Star. She had been saying, “I support Trump and I want him to win… But the, it’s what I was saying about incumbents, I think the average American is not doing well,” as the banner unfurled.

Ms. Truss served as Prime Minister of the UK for just 49 days in 2022, making her the shortest-serving Prime Minister in British history. Her brief tenure was marred by economic turmoil, including reforms that sent the pound tumbling, before she was ousted by a Conservative MP rebellion.

Since leaving office, Truss has taken her political insights to the United States and become more involved in American politics. She endorsed Trump for President in April, claiming “the world was safer” with him in the White House.

Earlier this year, the same group used another remote-controlled banner to disrupt a speech by Reform UK leader Nigel Farage. On that occasion, the banner displayed a picture of the Russian president and read: “I heart Nigel.”

Despite the embarrassing disruption, Truss and her team have stated that they would not be commenting on the stunt.

Source: Various Sources