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Lyndsy Fonseca Stars in Hallmark’s ‘The Magic of Lemon Drops’

The third Hallmark Summer Nights 2024 movie is The Magic Of Lemon Drops, starring Lyndsy Fonseca and Ian Harding.

Based on Rachel Linden’s novel The Magic Of Lemon Drop Pie, this romcom explores the concept of alternate realities. The main characters are faced with the question: What if they had made different life choices? What paths remain unexplored?

“When Lolly’s aunt gives her three magical lemon drops, she gets to experience what her life would have been like if she had made different choices and pursued those unfulfilled dreams.”

Screenwriter Tracy Andreen, known for Sweeter Than Chocolate, crafted the script, while Presence Of Love director Maclain Nelson directed this magical film.

Lyndsy Fonseca and Ian Harding dive into alternate realities in The Magic Of Lemon Drops. Lolly is at a crossroads in her life, dissatisfied with her current reality. She often wonders how her life would have been if she had made different choices. Would she be more fulfilled professionally? Would she have found love?

Lolly confides in her aunt, who, instead of offering advice, gives her three magical lemon drops. She instructs Lolly, “If she eats one and names her unfulfilled dream aloud, she’ll spend an entire day living the life she would have had if she had pursued that dream.”

Taking this seriously, Lolly experiences three alternate paths. One of these scenarios involves her ex-boyfriend Rory, who has just moved back to town. She ponders what might have happened if she hadn’t ended their relationship.

Through these journeys, Lolly’s perspective shifts. She faces the messy realities of each alternate path and must choose the one that helps her become the person she truly wants to be.

The Magic Of Lemon Drops premieres on Saturday, August 24, at 8 p.m. Eastern on the Hallmark Channel. Viewers can also stream it on Peacock up to 72 hours after the premiere.

Source: TVShowsAce