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Mama June’s Shocking Typo About Anna Sparks Outrage

Mama June recently made a typo in a social media comment, causing a stir among fans. Screenshots of the comment quickly spread, prompting many to question what June Shannon was thinking when she wrote about her late daughter, Anna Cardwell. Here’s a closer look at the comment and why it’s sparking such controversy.

The trending screenshot shows June Shannon’s verified account on Facebook commenting on a post. While the exact post Mama June was responding to isn’t clear, her typo has left fans cringing. She wrote about Kaitlyn’s custody situation, saying, “she has expressed where she wants to be.” June then mentioned, “Unfortunately, Michael (Cardwell) had the opportunity years ago to adopt her, but he decided not to do that either because he didn’t want that responsibility.”

Additionally, the WeTV star accused Michael of offering $5,000 to avoid child support. However, it’s what she wrote next that shocked everyone. “I have to deal with my daughter. Anna is a piece of shit in my book but like again willing to put differences inside so the kids can see each other when they’re ready to sit down and talk to us,” she concluded in her comment.

This statement set off a flurry of reactions online. One Reddit user posted a screenshot of the comment that was shared on TikTok, stating, “June doesn’t care Anna passed look what I found!!!”

The comment section erupted with opinions. Many people believe that Mama June did not truly mean to write that Anna is a piece of shit. Some speculate that she uses talk-to-text, which can often misunderstand spoken words.

“Ok I hate Mama June with a passion… but hear me out,” one person wrote. “I think she uses voice to text cause she’s blind… I think she probably said ‘and he’s a piece of shit but I’m willing to put differences aside blah blah blah.’” Another user agreed, saying, “She didn’t say that about Anna. She talks into her phone because she can’t see well.”

Another commenter mentioned that Mama June has since issued a correction on the comment, explaining that she used talk-to-text. However, some people pointed out that June herself had to be taken to court over child support for Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson.

Public opinion remains divided. Some believe it was a simple typo, while others suspect that the message conveyed exactly what Mama June intended. Either way, it has certainly stirred emotions and sparked debate among fans and followers.

New episodes of Mama June: Family Crisis air on Fridays at 9 p.m. EST on WeTV.

Source: TV Shows Ace