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Marcelo Tinelli Confirms Relationship with Milett Figueroa, Sets Date for Reunion in Argentina | Showbiz News

Marcelo Tinelli has returned to Argentina after spending almost two weeks in Madrid with his children, where he celebrated his birthday. There have been speculations in the Argentine press about a possible separation from Milett Figueroa, but the Peruvian recently denied these rumors.

During an interview on the LAM program, Tinelli confirmed his relationship with Milechi and dismissed the breakup rumors. He mentioned, “I’m in a relationship, they’re pulling all the time… it’s always like that, that’s their goal. I laugh, she says what she wants,” in reference to Yanina LaTorre, who first made the alleged breakup public.

“I don’t know if the girls don’t believe, Yanina doesn’t believe not only in Milett, she doesn’t believe in anything, why ask me then. Don’t let her believe me.” Tinelli added.

When asked if he was still in love with Milett Figueroa like the first day, Tinelli declined to give details about any recent problems in their relationship. He simply stated, ““I’m fine, what do you want me to say? Everything is very good, I am very well,”.”

Finally, Marcelo Tinelli mentioned that Milett Figueroa would be returning to Argentina soon to meet him again, stating, “From this week to the next it is arriving here.”

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