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Marvel Fans Are Repeating This About the MCU Hulk

Many fans have voiced their disappointment with the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s interpretation of the Hulk, but one user on X offered a different perspective. @GetFitWithJared commented, “I liked the one in Incredible Hulk. They then smashed his various comic versions together from Avengers through his latest appearance in She-Hulk and all the big character changes happened off screen and could not be properly appreciated.” This analysis highlights a common theme among MCU followers who feel let down by the portrayal of Hulk in the franchise.

At the time of publication, Hulk’s only solo MCU film remains 2008’s “The Incredible Hulk.” Since his debut, he has largely been relegated to a supporting role, often playing second fiddle to characters like Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and She-Hulk (Tatiana Maslany). Despite his journey from an uncontrollable monster to a subdued gamma-infused scientist being somewhat trackable in these roles, fans feel this transition isn’t particularly substantial. The audience only receives a broad overview of his transformation and little opportunity to engage deeply with Hulk and Bruce Banner as they navigate their complexities and emotions. Consequently, this rendition of Hulk seems incomplete, leaving many to feel there’s been a squandered opportunity over the years.

Given that he’s still part of the MCU, there’s hope he might eventually receive the spotlight he deserves. If rumors hold true that Hulk’s movie rights have reverted to Marvel from Universal, this could pave the way for a more in-depth exploration of his character. However, considering his long-standing presence in the MCU and the introduction of new heroes, it’s equally plausible that Hulk might continue to fade into the background. No matter what, fans are sure to keep paying attention.

Source: source names