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Marvel Gives X-Men’s Weirdest Villain a Surprising Redesign

The X-Men franchise has long been known for its unique and bizarre array of villains. These antagonists range from “evil mutants” like Magneto and Apocalypse to human-led anti-mutant organizations, such as Orchis, and even killer machines like the Sentinels. Traditionally, the X-Men have not shied away from cosmic and science-fiction conflicts, delving into battles that extend beyond Earth. As the X-Men comics transition into their “From the Ashes” reboot, one of their most eccentric intergalactic foes has received a peculiar new redesign.


In NYX #2, the narrative picks up with Laura Kinney, also known as Wolverine, and Kamala Khan, also known as Ms. Marvel. Both characters are on separate investigative paths, focusing on emerging threats to young mutants in New York City. Kamala is tracking the anti-mutant group known as the Truthseekers, while Wolverine is closing in on a group abducting innocent mutants off the streets under the instruction of a mysterious figure called “Mr. Friend.”

During an encounter with an alleged “victim,” it becomes clear that the missing mutants are not being forcibly taken but are instead seeking assistance from Mr. Friend through one of his lieutenants, a mutant named “Local.” Laura goes undercover, adopting the guise of a petty criminal called “Scratch,” and manages to contact Local, requesting a meeting with his boss.

Local assigns Laura several criminal tasks as part of her initiation, including stealing a car and executing a daring heist from Empire State University. These activities eventually earn Laura a meeting with Mr. Friend, who is revealed to be none other than Mojo, a well-known X-Men villain.

(Photo: Wolverine vs Mojo in NYX #2 – Marvel Comics)

Mojo, now operating under the alias of Mr. Friend, uses a human (or perhaps mutant) corpse as his puppet avatar. He has infiltrated Earth with the goal of monopolizing the market on “mutant growth hormone.” When Wolverine attempts to confront Mojo, she finds the grotesque slaver to be far more formidable than his appearance suggests. With his considerable size, ferocity, and cybernetic enhancements, Mojo nearly burns the flesh off Laura’s bones, forcing her to retreat in defeat. By the end of the issue, Wolverine acknowledges that she needs help and reconnects with Kamala and others, including Anole and Sophie Cuckoo, to plan their next move against Mojo.

Over the years, Mojo has maintained a consistent and grotesque design, often described as resembling Marvel’s version of Jabba the Hutt but more frightening—pale, yellow, and slug-like. However, NYX offers a reinvigorated look for Mojo, incorporating cybernetic enhancements, armor, leather wristbands, and a sinister, spiked tail. This new design, combined with the way he manipulates his “Mr. Friend” avatar, renders Mojo more intimidating and formidable than ever before.

NYX is currently available for purchase from Marvel Comics.

Source: ComicBook