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Matthew Perry’s Drug Bust Reveals Tragic Reality of His Inner Circle

Matthew Perry sadly passed away at the age of 54 on October 28, 2023. Initial reports suggested his death resulted from an accidental drowning. Though drowning, along with coronary artery disease and the effects of buprenorphine, contributed to his demise, the actual cause was identified as ketamine use. Unfortunately, it appears that Perry’s own inner circle played a significant role in his acquisition and use of the drug.

Perry had been candid about his addiction issues but had claimed to be sober for 19 months before his death, making these findings particularly shocking. The toxicology report triggered a criminal investigation, which yielded a major breakthrough on August 15, 2024. According to a press release from the United States Attorney’s Office of the Central District of California, five individuals were arrested in connection with the case.

Dr. Salvador Plasencia, Dr. Mark Chavez, Erik Fleming, Jasveen Sangha, and Kenneth Iwamasa were charged with distributing ketamine to Perry in his final weeks. While many felt relief that those involved would be held accountable, the details paint a troubling picture of Perry’s inner circle during his last days.

One of the most painful revelations was the involvement of Kenneth Iwamasa, Perry’s assistant for over 25 years. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Iwamasa lived with Perry and allegedly administered ketamine without any medical training. He reportedly injected Perry multiple times on the day of his death and later discovered the actor’s body in the pool.

Dr. Salvador Plasencia and Dr. Mark Chavez exploited their medical connections to obtain ketamine for Perry illegally. Chavez, who had previously worked at a ketamine clinic, is accused of using various means such as submitting fraudulent prescriptions to acquire ketamine. Chavez then allegedly transferred the drug to Plasencia, who sold it to Perry or Iwamasa. Texts in the indictment reveal a disturbing attitude, with Plasencia reportedly asking Chavez, “I wonder how much this moron will pay.”

Jasveen Sangha, known as “The Ketamine Queen” of North Hollywood, also allegedly supplied ketamine to Perry. Erik Fleming acted as a go-between for Sangha and Iwamasa, Perry’s assistant. It is clear that many individuals close to Perry saw him as a source of profit rather than looking out for his best interests, ultimately contributing to his untimely death.

Source: Page Six