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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Advised to Mend Royal Ties

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Advised to Mend Royal Ties

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Advised to Mend Royal Ties

In the ongoing saga of the British royal family, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been advised to mend their strained relationships with the rest of the royal family. This advice comes from various quarters, including experts who see the situation as a typical family dispute, albeit one under the public eye.

Carolyn Hax, a Washington Post advice columnist, has not been following the royal drama closely. She skipped the Oprah interview, the Netflix series, and even the excerpts from Prince Harry’s book. To her, the royal family’s issues are akin to the Kardashians, but with crowns. This detachment allows her to view the situation as a common family conflict, something she deals with regularly in her column.

When stripped of titles, fame, and wealth, the core of the royal drama is quite ordinary. It involves in-law tensions, sibling rivalries, and the heavy burden of family expectations. These are issues that many people can relate to.

In a recent episode of the “Post Reports” podcast, host Martine Powers posed questions to Carolyn Hax, based on real-life scenarios that royal watchers would recognize. Hax’s advice, though directed at the royals, is applicable to anyone facing similar family issues.

One question addressed the issue of a brother releasing a memoir and a Netflix documentary that aired personal family matters. The question was whether to respond publicly or try to resolve the issue privately. Hax emphasized the importance of direct communication. She suggested that the first step should be to approach the person involved and acknowledge one’s own role in the conflict. This, she believes, is crucial for any chance of reconciliation.

Hax pointed out that many relationships deteriorate because of avoided conversations and defensive attitudes. She advised owning up to one’s mistakes, even if the other party’s actions seem worse. This approach, she argued, is essential for personal integrity and the possibility of mending the relationship.

Another question involved a couple wanting their children to have a relationship with their cousins, despite a falling out between the parents. Hax acknowledged the difficulty of this situation. She advised explaining the situation to the children in simple terms, without burdening them with adult biases. This way, the children can seek out their cousins when they are older, free from the parents’ conflicts.

Hax also addressed the issue of whether to tell children the reasons behind family estrangements. She recommended sticking to the truth and explaining the situation factually, without vilifying anyone. This approach, she believes, equips children to handle similar situations in the future.

In another scenario, a widower remarried despite his sons’ objections, leading to strained relationships. Hax advised the father to accept the situation and acknowledge his role in the estrangement. She emphasized that trying to change someone’s feelings through lobbying is futile and often counterproductive. Instead, she suggested owning up to the mistake and apologizing, even if the decision was justified.

Hax’s advice highlights the importance of personal responsibility and direct communication in resolving family conflicts. While the royal family’s issues are magnified by their public status, the underlying dynamics are familiar to many. By addressing these issues head-on and acknowledging their own roles in the conflicts, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry might find a path to reconciliation with the rest of the royal family.

In the end, the advice to Meghan and Harry is clear: mend the royal ties by taking responsibility for their actions and engaging in honest, direct communication. This approach, though challenging, offers the best chance for healing and moving forward.