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Meghan Markle’s Awkward Encounter Sparks Jealousy Rumors

Last weekend, the Royal Salute Polo Challenge tournament took place in Wellington, Florida. Following the announcement by Meghan and Harry about their intentions to create a series on equestrian sports, many anticipated that this would be the perfect opportunity to start filming.

However, what is currently causing a buzz is the alleged incident involving Meghan Markle and a woman who approached the podium to have a photo with Prince Harry.

During the award ceremony, Meghan joined the stage and lovingly kissed her husband as she presented the trophy. Shortly after, a couple of women approached to congratulate the participants, unaware of the uncomfortable encounter that would transpire.

Meghan not only remained by her husband’s side but also directed the woman on where to stand for the photo.

Although some online users believe that Meghan was simply following protocol for such events, many others question her behavior and suggest it reflects her insecurities and level of possessiveness over Prince Harry.

The woman whom Meghan allegedly felt jealous of is Dr. Sophie Chandauka, the director of Sentebale, the organization benefiting from the event. Sentebale aids children and youth affected by poverty, inequality, and HIV/AIDS in southern Africa, representing one of Prince Harry’s significant humanitarian efforts.

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