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Megyn Kelly Launches Brutal Insults at CNN’s Kaitlan Collins

In a recent episode of her SiriusXM show, The Megyn Kelly Show, former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly unleashed a scathing critique of CNN primetime host Kaitlan Collins. The tirade came in response to Collins’ appearance on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, where the CNN anchor defended her network’s impartiality.

Kelly’s verbal assault began with a dismissal of Collins’ rising prominence at CNN. “The network is attempting to elevate her to stardom,” Kelly remarked, “but she’s only gaining traction among left-leaning viewers.” This statement set the tone for a series of increasingly personal jabs at Collins’ on-air demeanor and professional capabilities.

The crux of Kelly’s criticism centered on what she perceived as Collins’ lack of charisma and engaging presence. “Her most egregious flaw isn’t her bias, though that’s evident,” Kelly said. “It’s her utter lack of compelling qualities. She’s extraordinarily dull and devoid of any discernible personality.” Kelly followed this harsh assessment by suggesting that Collins should “attempt to smile occasionally” to appear more approachable to viewers.

Kelly’s comments took an even more personal turn when she referred to Collins as a “cold-hearted b–h,” advising her to soften her demeanor to create a stronger connection with her audience. “You can maintain your journalistic integrity while still exuding some warmth,” Kelly added, “unless you’re completely devoid of it, which would make the task considerably more challenging.”

The source of Kelly’s outburst appeared to be Collins’ defense of CNN during her appearance on Bill Maher’s show. Collins had asserted that CNN provides balanced coverage, stating per TheWrap, “I don’t believe you can claim that CNN is anything but fair.” This claim seemed to particularly irk Kelly, who took aim at the notion of CNN’s impartiality. “She was actually on there suggesting that CNN is fair in its coverage and that you can trust CNN.”

Collins also referenced her Alabama roots and conservative family background to bolster her credibility, saying, “I’m from Alabama, I’m from a very red state, I have a very conservative family, many of whom support Trump. They watch my show nightly and trust that we call out inaccuracies on all sides.” Kelly, however, dismissed this argument, contending that Collins’ Southern heritage did not automatically qualify her as an unbiased journalist.

“I’m sorry, but she’s only a star with leftists and the fact that she has some roots in Alabama does not make her a fair and balanced reporter,” Kelly said. “I will submit for the record: Her biggest sin is not that she is biased, though she is, it’s that she’s boring. She’s extremely boring with no personality.”

Kelly’s critique extended beyond Collins to encompass broader media trends. She cited the success of alternative media platforms, including her own YouTube channel, which recently surpassed one billion views. “This is why non-traditional media outlets have flourished,” Kelly explained. “The public is weary of being force-fed biased narratives by mainstream news organizations.”

Kelly’s YouTube channel has amassed over 2.3 million subscribers, with recent monthly viewership surpassing that of several established news organizations. In July, her channel garnered 116.8 million views, according to The New York Post. CNN, when approached by the outlet for comment on Kelly’s remarks, declined to respond.

Source: TheWrap, The New York Post