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Michelle Obama’s Speech at Democratic Convention Was “Just Terrific”

Fox News political analyst Brit Hume commended former First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, describing it as “just terrific.”

During her address, Michelle Obama delivered a passionate and sharp critique of former President Trump, successfully energizing the Democratic Party. Hume expressed that her speech was the standout moment of the event.

“I think the speech of the night was Michelle Obama. She is an extraordinarily impressive woman, former first lady of the United States. You can see why members of the Democratic Party consistently hope she will consider running for president in future cycles,” he remarked on Fox News.

Despite his praise, Hume offered a note of skepticism regarding Obama’s message about “hope.” He found it somewhat ironic coming from someone with her remarkable background.

“I can’t imagine why someone with her life experience—an education from Princeton and Harvard Law School, a career at an elite law firm, and being the first lady with a luxurious home on Martha’s Vineyard worth about $12 million—would feel hopeless. It raises the question of why she needs to find hope in the unfolding events of the Democratic Party,” he stated.

“Aside from that, I thought she was just terrific,” he added, acknowledging the power of her delivery.

Michelle Obama’s speech drew enthusiastic applause from the audience, particularly when she addressed Trump’s controversial commentary about “Black jobs.”

“By the way—who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs?’” Obama quipped, garnering cheers from the crowd.

Following her remarks, former President Obama took the stage for the keynote address, also directing barbs at Trump. Fox News anchor Bret Baier praised both speeches, highlighting how Barack Obama showcased his enduring status within the party.

“Barack Obama, essentially showing this crowd why he is still such a star inside the Democratic Party, but perhaps, perhaps overshadowed by his wife, the former first lady, Michelle Obama, who gave an amazing speech that got this crowd on their feet to call for action after action,” said Baier.

Former President Obama humorously considered whether it might have been unwise to speak after Michelle, acknowledging the control she had over the convention audience.

This year’s convention was marked by a palpable energy, particularly following the spirited speeches from both Obamas. Their impactful messages appeared to have set a dynamic tone for the Democratic Party, aiming to rally support for the upcoming elections.

The reception to Michelle Obama’s speech reinforced her stature within the party and underscored the powerful influence she continues to wield in political discourse. Her call to action resonated strongly with the audience, leaving a lasting impression during the convention.

For many within the Democratic Party, the hope that Michelle Obama might one day enter the political arena remains alive, particularly after seeing her powerful command of the crowd. The speech not only highlighted her eloquence and passion but also revealed the depth of her connection with the audience.

Overall, the speeches from the former first couple energized the Democratic attendees, fostering a sense of unity and purpose as they look ahead to the electoral battles to come. Many will be reflecting on the impact of these addresses as the party gears up for a crucial election cycle.

Source: Nexstar Media, Inc.