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MSNBC Anchor Labels RFK Jr. as the ‘Jeffrey Dahmer of Animals’


Lawrence O’Donnell expressed his outrage on MSNBC when he described Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a “disgrace” to his family, comparing him to the infamous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. This strong criticism stemmed from Kennedy’s endorsement of Donald Trump last Friday.

The MSNBC host dedicated over ten minutes of his show to criticizing Kennedy, a failed presidential candidate. O’Donnell didn’t mince words, likening Kennedy’s behavior to Jeffrey Dahmer and calling Trump “the most horrifying Republican presidential nominee in history.”

O’Donnell further criticized Kennedy for tarnishing the revered “beatific glow around the name Robert Kennedy” that had persisted since his father, Robert F. Kennedy Sr., was assassinated in 1968. According to O’Donnell, the Kennedy name is now “fully disgraced.”

Many members of Kennedy’s own family share O’Donnell’s sentiment. Five of Kennedy’s siblings publicly condemned his support for Trump, calling it a “betrayal.” Additionally, Jack Schlossberg, John F. Kennedy’s grandson, mocked his cousin’s decision, saying, “Never been less surprised in my life. Been saying it for over a year — RFK Jr. is for sale, works for Trump.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared on stage with Donald Trump just hours after endorsing him.

Go Nakamura/Reuters

Kennedy formally endorsed Trump in Phoenix with a long, winding speech that lasted over 20 minutes before he even mentioned Trump’s name. During the speech, Kennedy seemed reluctant to exit the race, urging supporters in predominantly Democratic states to vote for him in November. This speech was also filled with falsehoods, which O’Donnell highlighted on his show.

O’Donnell seemed particularly irritated by Kennedy’s claim that the media, including his show, had been ignoring him. O’Donnell clarified that he had extended an open invitation to Kennedy to appear on his program on July 12, 2023, but Kennedy never took up the offer. To make it easier for Kennedy, O’Donnell even promised to give him the first question in advance if he ever did appear.

Mere hours after endorsing Trump, Kennedy took the stage in Arizona to campaign alongside the Republican nominee, sharing a handshake and hug with Trump. Following his endorsement, Kennedy has been named to Trump’s tentative transition team — a role that likely wouldn’t have been available had he not backed out of the presidential race and endorsed Trump when he did.

Source: The Daily Beast