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Music Producer Matt McBriar Recovering After Brain Tumor Surgery

Matt McBriar, a member of the Northern Irish electronic music duo Bicep, has announced that he is on the road to recovery after undergoing surgery for a “large and pretty rare” brain tumour.

The well-known DJ and music producer revealed that he had started experiencing “intense localised headaches accompanied by a weird fatigue that felt new” a few months prior. This prompted him to take blood tests this past spring.

Medical scans ultimately revealed a “large and pretty rare craniopharyngioma tumour” located on his pituitary gland. Consequently, McBriar underwent surgery to remove the tumour this past Friday.

“The good news is firstly, it’s almost certainly not cancerous and secondly, I’ve caught it in the earlier stages of damage,” McBriar shared on Instagram, posting a photo of himself in a hospital bed. He added, “I’d been very lucky to get those initial blood tests followed by an MRI.”

McBriar elaborated that had he gone undiagnosed for a longer period, the tumour could have severely impacted his eyesight and caused a host of other issues due to its size and position pressing on his optic nerves.

Following numerous hospital visits and tests, he finally underwent surgery on August 9.

Despite his condition, McBriar opted to maintain a sense of normalcy by continuing to perform and live his life as usual, stressing the importance of keeping his mind occupied.

He reported, “The operation went well and I’m currently recovering in hospital.”

While the recovery period is expected to take six to eight weeks, and will include an extended period of aftercare, McBriar expressed immense gratitude and a sense of luck.

During his recovery, Andy Ferguson, the other half of Bicep, will be performing upcoming shows solo until further notice.
