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Nancy Pelosi Labels Trump a “Domestic Enemy” in New Jan. 6 Footage

New video shows Nancy Pelosi responding to Jan. 6 attack on U.S. Capitol 01:39

Nancy Pelosi described former President Donald Trump as a “domestic enemy” in a recently released video taken on January 7, 2021, a day after the Capitol attack. This video, provided to Congress by HBO and obtained by CBS News, captures Pelosi’s reflections and plans as she prepared for a press conference.

In the footage, the former House Speaker discusses her intention to publicly call for the resignation of U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund in light of the violence. She also emphasizes Trump’s involvement during the crisis. “There is a domestic enemy in the White House,” Pelosi states. Interestingly, she chose not to use this specific phrase in her subsequent address to the press.

Early on that January morning, after Congress had certified Joe Biden as the victor of the 2020 presidential election, Pelosi was asked about her feelings regarding Trump. “I just feel sick for what he did to the Capitol and to the country today,” she stated. “He’s gotta pay a price for that.”

Trump’s actions on January 6 have drawn significant criticism. He spoke to his supporters near the White House shortly before the Capitol was stormed and later released a video that called for peace only after the attack began. His attempts to overturn the election results resulted in special counsel Jack Smith reindicting him on charges related to the peaceful transfer of power.

Additionally, the video captures Pelosi seeking a list of Trump’s Cabinet members, as she aimed to encourage them to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. She also mentioned that “members want impeachment.” Although Trump was impeached by the House, he was acquitted by the Senate shortly after.

Other footage reveals Pelosi and her team leaving the Capitol for Fort McNair during the ongoing chaos. She articulated her frustration over how the rioters successfully interrupted the vote certification process. “I don’t agree with taking me out of the chair,” Pelosi remarked, indicating her commitment to her role amidst the crisis.

During her ride away from Capitol Hill, Pelosi questioned the security measures that had been in place for January 6. She expressed concerns about why the National Guard had not been dispatched sooner. A 2022 report from the House January 6 committee indicated that Trump had waited for three hours before calling for rioters to disperse, and that he had delayed deploying the National Guard. Some Republicans have attempted to shift the blame for security failures onto Pelosi.

“We have responsibility,” Pelosi said, acknowledging the accountability that was lacking during those chaotic hours. “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous.”

In her comments from the car, Pelosi clarified that although she had “never been a fan of Sund,” her focus needed to remain on the President’s actions. She ultimately called for Sund’s resignation that same day.

Pelosi admitted to taking responsibility for the inadequate security during the attack, saying that they should have been “prepared for more.” “Shame on us,” she added, recognizing the immense implications of the day’s events.

Source: CBS News