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Nate Silver Identifies 4 Major Mistakes by the Trump Campaign

Pollster Nate Silver has raised concerns regarding what he refers to as four significant missteps made by Donald Trump’s campaign this election cycle. Silver made his observations following a debate performance by the former president on Tuesday night, highlighting the moment just hours after the event concluded.

According to Silver, the first mistake was Trump’s decision to select Senator JD Vance from Ohio as his running mate. He described the following reasons: a long, unfocused campaign speech that wasted a “moment of goodwill,” Trump’s lack of preparedness for a potential swap with Vice President Kamala Harris, and finally, the debate performance itself, which Silver criticized as lacking the necessary preparation and competitive edge.

In a subsequent post, Silver mentioned that Trump’s acceptance of an “early Biden debate” in June should also be added to the list of blunders. This earlier debate was viewed as potentially beneficial, allowing both candidates some time to recover from any poor performances and give Trump an opportunity to showcase what he perceived as his superior mental agility over President Biden.

Despite the critical feedback, Trump’s campaign portrayed the former president’s debate performance as a triumph. Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, co-managers of the Trump campaign, celebrated the debate, stating that Trump effectively highlighted Harris’s record of failure, which they argue has harmed Americans over the past four years.

Since appointing Vance to the ticket in June, Trump has encountered some criticism, with speculation arising that he might regret the choice. LaCivita, however, has forcefully dismissed these rumors, emphasizing the solid working relationship between Trump and Vance. He pointed out that they communicate frequently and that Vance has effectively campaigned against key opponents.

During the Republican National Convention in July, Trump’s acceptance speech set a record for being the longest in the event’s history, garnering both attention and critique. Moreover, Trump has voiced his dissatisfaction over the strategic switch from Biden to Harris on his Truth Social account, suggesting that it forced the campaign to invest unnecessary time and resources into battling Biden, who he perceived as failing after a poor debate performance.

Recent polling by CNN indicated that a majority of registered voters who watched the debate believed that Harris outperformed Trump, with results showing 63 percent favoring Harris compared to 37 percent for Trump.

The Silver Bulletin, a forecasting model created by Silver, reflected a slight lead for Harris over Trump, indicating a margin of just over 2 percentage points, where Harris stood at nearly 49 percent against Trump’s almost 47 percent, as reported on Tuesday.

The ongoing conversation around these campaign dynamics illuminates the challenges facing Trump’s bid for a return to the presidency amid shifting voter sentiments and strategic miscalculations. As the election season progresses, the implications of these perceived mistakes may become increasingly pivotal in shaping the narrative and outcomes of this high-stakes political landscape.

Source: source names