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Netflix Release Date: When Is It Coming Out?
Credits: Netflix

The upcoming reality show Resurrected Rides is generating buzz as its Netflix release date approaches, leaving viewers eager to start streaming the new TV series.

Resurrected Rides is a fresh motor makeover series developed by the creators of the popular show Pimp My Ride. This new show aims to modernize the MTV classic by showcasing more dramatic transformations that car owners will absolutely enjoy.

The Resurrected Rides Netflix release date is set for July 24, 2024.

Netflix is preparing to launch this spin-off of the classic car restoration series Pimp My Ride, featuring a team of skilled automotive experts and mechanics. They will assist car owners in revamping their vehicles with impressive modifications. The first season, consisting of eight episodes, will be available all at once, allowing viewers to binge-watch the series. According to Tudum by Netflix, the show’s executive producer, Ari Shofet, described the series as an “aspirational and wish-fulfillment show with a comedic lens,” expressing his excitement for fans to get their first look.

The series will be hosted by well-known comedian and actor Chris Redd.

Resurrected Rides will be available for streaming on Netflix starting Wednesday, July 24. Subscribers will be able to watch the series upon its release.

Netflix subscribers can expect the series to air at this time.

The official synopsis of Resurrected Rides reads:

“Comedian Chris Redd works with a dream team of car experts to breathe new life into worn-out rides with stunning customized makeovers.”

Source: Netflix, Tudum