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‘No One Takes Their Political Cues From Amber Rose’

MSNBC host Joy Reid dismissed the RNC speech delivered by Kanye West’s ex-girlfriend, Amber Rose, on Monday, arguing her endorsement of former President Donald Trump would do little to convince voters.

While CNN host Van Jones warned Democrats that Rose’s speech was a “bunker buster” on the Democratic coalition, and even suggested that the model might have a “political future,” Reid had a different perspective.

“After this terrible incident happened over the weekend, a member of Congress, who was a Republican, came out immediately and blamed the incident on DEI and said that the fact that there were women and Black people in the Secret Service is the reason this happened,” said Reid, referring to the assassination attempt against Trump on Saturday. “This is where the Republican Party is, so it’s ironic that they were able to recruit this young woman.”

Reid continued to express her skepticism:

She’s racially ambiguous. I don’t wanna say she’s Black because she has said she’s not, so I don’t wanna say this Black woman. This woman who is of whatever race that she has claimed, she’s said she’s not Black, but they’ve brought somebody whose whole career is based in Black culture. She used to be on a show on BET. That’s the reason most people know who she is. She dated one of the most prominent African American rappers in the business, in the history of hip hop, so her whole culture came from Black culture, even though she said she’s not a Black person herself, and the fact that she is now the person they’re using to try to recruit young people of color and to say that this is the person who is the endorser of Donald Trump who you should trust when she won’t even claim the culture that brought her to the table, I’m dubious that this will work.

Reid concluded, “I don’t know anyone who takes their political cues from Amber Rose, but just in case you do, you might want to consider doing your own research because she might not have done it thoroughly.”

During her speech at the RNC on Monday, Rose endorsed Trump and accused the media of lying about the former president.

“I believed the left-wing propaganda that Donald Trump was a racist,” she told the audience, before claiming that her own “research” then led her to realize that “Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re Black, White, gay, or straight, it’s all love.”

Watch more via MSNBC.

Source: MSNBC, CNN, Mediaite