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NPR: 17 states contesting new EEOC rules regarding abortion accommodations

Republican attorneys general from 17 states have filed a lawsuit challenging new federal rules that entitle workers to time off and other accommodations for abortions, arguing it is an illegal interpretation of a 2022 federal law. The lawsuit led by Tennessee and Arkansas is in response to finalized federal regulations published to provide guidance on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. The rules, adopted with a 3-2 vote by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, will go into effect on June 18. Critics, including the Arkansas Attorney General, believe the regulations exceed the scope of the bipartisan 2022 law. The lawsuit is seen as a politicized attack by advocates for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the EEOC clarified that employers are not obligated to cover abortion-related costs under the new law. Other states have joined the lawsuit as well.


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