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One Piece Reveals the Sole Surviving Vegapunk

One Piece has hit a crucial point in the Egghead Arc, with the latest manga chapter unveiling the last surviving ally from Dr. Vegapunk’s former satellites. The Egghead Arc has been particularly tumultuous lately. As Luffy and the Straw Hat crew struggle to flee from the futuristic island laboratory, the Five Elders have used their immortality to ensure they can’t leave. Fortunately, they’ve received help from some surprising allies, providing a glimmer of hope for their escape.

Dr. Vegapunk had asked the Straw Hats to aid in his escape from the island on their ship. However, during the arc, both the primary scientist and his six satellites have faced dire circumstances. It was shockingly revealed that York was a traitor trying to save herself from the World Government. She was involved in the downfall of Shaka and some others. Yet, one of Vegapunk’s satellites, Lilith, has survived and is now aboard the Straw Hats’ ship, the Thousand Sunny.

Vegapunk's satellites
(Photo: Dr. Vegapunk’s satellites in One Piece: Egghead Arc – Shueisha)

Previous chapters of One Piece have shown York dealing with Shaka and Pythagoras. Following these events, Edison sustained damage that appeared irreparable. This left the remaining three, Atlas, Lilith, and York, by Chapter 1120. With Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro still attacking the Straw Hats’ ship, Lilith argued they shouldn’t try to leave yet, fearing their ship wouldn’t reach beyond the Frontier Dome if an Elder caught them.

In this critical moment, Atlas intervenes by knocking Lilith out and disconnecting her from the main computer brain. Believing Lilith to be dead, York watches as Atlas makes a final stand. Atlas sacrifices herself to hold off Ethanbaron, giving the Thousand Sunny, with Lilith aboard, a chance to escape the island. Now, Lilith remains the sole surviving Vegapunk ally, while York stays behind, seemingly poised to align with the World Government—unless the Five Elders deal with her too, which remains highly probable.

Source: Shueisha