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Patrick Stewart Thinks Gene Roddenberry Hated His Portrayal of Picard in Star Trek

Gene Roddenberry passed away on October 24, 1991, at the age of 70. His death was deeply felt by the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” cast. Roddenberry was often present on the set, and his absence created a notable void. Patrick Stewart, in his memoir “Making It So: A Memoir,” shared how much he missed Roddenberry despite their occasional disagreements. Stewart wrote, “I found myself missing his presence. For all his wariness of me, he had created the magnificent ‘Star Trek’ universe of which I was now privileged to be a part, and his guiding hand offered me reassurance.”

Stewart further expressed a sense of remorse regarding how everything unfolded surrounding his role as Captain Picard. “I felt sorry for Gene where I was concerned. Jean-Luc Picard was his creation, and he had been pressured to cast someone who didn’t jibe with his vision of the character,” he revealed. Despite the initial friction, Stewart wished Roddenberry could have lived to witness the positive reception and evolution of Picard, even if it diverged from Roddenberry’s original vision. “I do wish that Gene had lived long enough to see how ‘Star Trek’ and Picard himself have continued to deepen and grow.”

While they may not have always seen eye-to-eye, it’s undeniable that both Stewart and Roddenberry are pivotal figures in the “Star Trek” legacy.

Source: source names