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Powerball Winners Shocked to Discover Duplicate Tickets Purchased

A couple in Maryland, United States, won the lottery twice without trying. The couple was surprised to discover that they were winners of a jackpot, but that wasn’t the only thing. Emotions ran high when the man and woman realized they had mistakenly purchased duplicate Powerball tickets, leading them to become winners of two $1,000,000 prizes.

In the last drawing on April 1, the winning numbers were 19, 24, 40, 42, 56 and the red Powerball 23. The lottery reported that, although no one won the jackpot of US$1,030,000, Several winners of US$1,000,000 were registered who matched the white ball numbers, in Virginia, North Carolina, Minnesota, Florida, and two more in Maryland.

When the drawing announced that a jackpot of US$1,030,000 would be played, the man decided to go to the store to buy some Powerball tickets. The husband purchased his tickets for the April 1st drawing at 7-Eleven store number 33378, located at 710 Bestgate Rd. 101, in Annapolis, Maryland. To choose the numbers he was going to play, he took several tickets from past drawings and used the option replay at the lottery terminal which allowed him to scan the ballots and repeat the combinations he had already played on other dates.

The next day, when he went to review the tickets he had purchased, the man discovered that he had several winning $4 tickets, which showed duplicate number combinations. Then he discovered a ticket with the combination 19, 24, 40, 42, 56 and the red Powerball 13. When checking the numbers on the official draw page, he was surprised.

When his wife arrived he said excitedly: “We have won US$1,000,000!”. The man said that after that, emotions overflowed. “Twenty minutes later, when I dropped off the winning ticket, I went back to check the others,” revealed the winner, who shared that he soon realized his good fortune, as he had seen it announced that The local seller of the US$1,000,000 winning ticket had sold two winning tickets. Following the revelation, the man joked with his wife about having their second.

A few minutes later, the couple celebrated their double fortune: they had won US$2,000,000. With two children, they both shared that they plan to invest the money and that their happiness and surprise do not stop. While the winners continue to absorb their winnings, the store that sold the two winning tickets will receive a US$5,000 bonus.

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