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Princess Leonor’s Heartwarming Gesture to Queen Sofia During Hospital Stay Revealed

Queen Sofia (85 years old) was admitted to the hospital last week due to a urinary infection. She spent several days in the hospital until she was discharged over the weekend. During her hospital stay, she received visits from her son, King Felipe, her daughter-in-law, Queen Letizia, her daughter, Infanta Elena, and her sister, Irene of Greece. However, her daughter, Infanta Cristina, and her grandchildren did not visit her in the hospital. Princess Leonor (18 years old), one of her granddaughters, sent her best wishes during this difficult time.

The Princess of Asturias, Princess Leonor, is currently focused on her military training at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza. Despite not being in Madrid when Queen Sofia was admitted to the hospital, Princess Leonor contacted her grandmother and they spoke on the phone while she was still in the hospital. Princess Leonor did not consider asking for permission to leave her military training to visit her grandmother as her health was not serious.

Queen Sofia is now recovering at Zarzuela after being discharged from the hospital. When she left the hospital, she greeted the media with a smile and reassured everyone that she was feeling well. She does not have any scheduled events on her official agenda yet, but she is looking forward to resuming her routine. It is expected that she will soon make a public appearance and put her health scare behind her.

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