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Princess Salma of Jordan Assists Israel in Intercepting Iranian Missiles and Drones

Social networks and the media are buzzing with rumors that a well-known Arab princess, who serves as a pilot in her country’s air force, took part in missions to intercept Iranian missiles and drones targeting Israel.

One of the prominent English news portals in the Arab world, New Arab, shared speculations that Princess Salma of Jordan participated in the operation and successfully shot down several drones launched by Iran.

Following an attack where over 300 projectiles were fired at Israel by Iranian forces, Israel’s air defense system, with support from US and UK forces, managed to intercept 99% of the missiles.

The aerial defense system of Israel, including interceptor systems like David’s Sling and Arrow missiles, along with quick response from fighter pilots, played a vital role in containing the attack.

Among the pilots who took action were members of the Royal Jordanian Air Force, including Princess Salma bint Abdullah, daughter of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania, and granddaughter of King Hussein. Salma graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the UK in 2018 and became the first female pilot in the Jordanian Armed Forces.

However, the claim of her involvement in the interception missions was debunked by another Arab portal, Misbar, stating that the story was fabricated and lacked credible evidence.

The New Arab platform confirmed that there was no reliable information to support the princess’s participation in the operation, and the photo circulating on social media was from an article in Emirates Woman magazine published in December 2023.

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