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Pro-Palestinian Activists Rally Outside Presidential Debate

PHILADELPHIA — A tense standoff between police and pro-Palestinian activists unfolded outside the presidential debate on Tuesday, ending peacefully after hundreds gathered to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

Officers in riot gear, outnumbering the protesters, lined the streets as a small group of demonstrators remained after initially marching in larger numbers from City Hall. Tensions escalated as protesters shouted accusations of “fascism” at the police and some even threw water bottles in response to the heavy police presence.

The demonstration was organized to coincide with the debate at the National Constitution Center, drawing attention to the protestors’ dissatisfaction with both leading presidential candidates regarding their support for Israel in the ongoing conflict. The war intensified following a deadly attack by Hamas on October 7 that killed approximately 1,200 Israelis, prompting Israeli military actions in Gaza that, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health, resulted in the deaths of over 40,000 Palestinians.

During the debate, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, called for a ceasefire and the release of hostages, highlighting the immense suffering in Gaza, which she had first mentioned in a call for a ceasefire back in March.

As they gathered near City Hall, the demonstrators, many carrying Palestinian flags and chanting pro-Palestinian slogans, expressed their disdain for both Harris and her opponent, Donald Trump. Claudia Dela, a New York-based organizer from the Party for Socialism and Liberation, articulated the group’s sentiment by stating that “Harris and Donald Trump have more in common with each other than they have with us.”

Dela criticized the political landscape, claiming, “Democracy is very much a sham. They are part of the same political class, and we need more voices of working people to demand what we deserve.”

Pro-Palestinian protesters march from Philadelphia City Hall to the National Constitution Center during the presidential debate on September 10, 2024. Photo by Josh Morgan.

As police established a position on 4th Street, the mood shifted, and many protesters began to leave, urging one another to “go home now.” During this exit, one masked protestor lit a flare, prompting the police to respond and push the crowd further down the street. That individual was arrested, but the police presence remained minimal as demonstrators began to disperse along a side street.

Rabiul Chowdhury, a demonstrator present on Tuesday, revealed that the action was part of a campaign dubbed “Abandon Harris.” This initiative aims to pressure the Harris campaign to advocate for a ceasefire in Gaza or risk losing votes in crucial swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Chowdhury expressed frustration with the campaign, claiming, “The Harris campaign doesn’t care about us.” He emphasized that the organization does not endorse Trump, but instead encourages voters to consider third-party candidates like Jill Stein and Cornel West in the upcoming presidential election.

Overall, the event highlighted the growing discontent amongst activists over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, particularly regarding the treatment of Palestinians amidst the ongoing conflict. As both parties prepare for the upcoming election, the concerns raised by the protestors signal a significant call for change.