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Protesters and Johns Hopkins University reach agreement, ending encampment – Baltimore Sun

The Johns Hopkins University and pro-Palestinian protesters occupying an encampment on the Homewood campus have agreed to end the demonstration immediately. In exchange for dismantling the encampment and not restarting it, Hopkins will review the protestors’ key question of divestment. The university will accelerate its divestment process by five months and the Board of Trustees will discuss the proposal in March or June 2025. Hopkins also agreed to end student conduct proceedings related to the encampment, as long as there are no further disruptions on campus. The protesters not affiliated with the university must vacate campus. The negotiations followed failed attempts earlier this month, with protesters demanding divestment from Israel and other related actions. The encampment began in response to Israel’s offensive in Gaza, following an attack by Hamas. The protests took place at multiple universities across the country, resulting in arrests and disruptions on campus. Towson University in Baltimore County was also urged by students to divest from Israel, with the student government association passing a resolution in support of divestment. The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction Movement aims to end international support for Israel and pressure it to comply with international law.


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