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Protesters Clash with Police at Australian Arms Convention

In Melbourne, Australia, tensions flared as thousands of anti-war protesters clashed with police during a demonstration outside a military arms convention. The protest unfolded on Wednesday, coinciding with the opening of the Land Forces International Land Defense Exposition taking place from Wednesday to Friday at a downtown convention center.

The scale of police presence was substantial, with approximately 1,800 officers deployed to manage the situation. Reports from the scene indicated that protesters resorted to throwing various items, including rocks, horse manure, and tomatoes, targeting police, which included officers equipped with shields and riot gear. Some footage captured an officer on horseback using a riding crop against a protester.

A line of police was reportedly seen pushing back demonstrators away from the convention center, while officers employed pepper spray against certain individuals involved in the protests. Several protesters were taken into custody amidst the rising tensions.

The demonstrations caused significant disruption, particularly to morning traffic, as key roads were closed off. Organized by groups such as Students for Palestine and Disrupt Wars, the protesting factions aimed to gather a crowd of up to 25,000 to voice their concerns.

Jasmine Duff, national co-convenor for Students for Palestine, articulated the motive behind the protest, stating, “We’re protesting to stand up for all those who have been killed by the type of weapons on display at the convention.”

Moreover, she emphasized the intention to utilize “civil disobedience tactics” reminiscent of those used by activists during the civil rights movements and the anti-Vietnam War movement.

In response to the unfolding events, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urged protesters to conduct themselves respectfully towards law enforcement. “People have a right to protest peacefully, but you don’t say you’re opposed to defense equipment by throwing things at police,” he conveyed during an interview on Seven Network television.

He further echoed a sentiment of respect towards police officers, alluding to the important role they play in maintaining order. “They’ve got a job to do and our police officers should be respected at all times,” Albanese added.

The AMDA Foundation, which organizes the convention, opted not to issue any statements regarding the protest activity when contacted. The event itself serves as a biennial gathering that brings together figures from the arms industries of Australia, the United States, Asia, and Europe.

This year’s convention marks a significant return, having last been held in 2022 in Brisbane, where protests were noted to be considerably more subdued compared to the current fervor witnessed in Melbourne.

Source: AP