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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Reggie Becton Overcomes Heartbreak in New ‘Sway’ Music Video

Another page turns in the story of Reggie Becton.

On Tuesday, July 9, Reggie Becton returned to deliver parts three and four of Sadboy: The Audio Visual Experience. Picking up where part two ended, the Maryland native finds himself and his friends paying their way into a dive bar only to be met by bartender Leo Gonzall.

“Where have you been at? I thought you were bringing b—s this time?” Gonzall asks Becton’s friend

At first, there were no women to be found as Becton and company downed beers in a booth tucked off to the side. As the musical selection transitions from “Streets” to “Sway,” Becton finds the women who “sends chills down to [his] spine.” One dance turns into a lifetime on the dance floor and suddenly, the two are kissing as the friend who was supposed to be “bringing b—s this time” sits alone at the bar with a beer in hand.

Parts three and four of Sadboy: The Audio Visual Experience are less cinematic and eventful than part two, but they’re even more relatable. If you’ve ever been heartbroken, your friends have probably dragged you out to a spot that you didn’t initially want to be at, but the beautiful gaze of someone who looks like the love of your life can change all of that in an instance. Unfortunately, those dive bar romances rarely turn into anything long lasting. But maybe, that’ll change as Reggie Becton makes his way through the Sadboy-verse of love, heartbreak and R&B.