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Remembering the legacy of “TV daddy” Juan Carlos Vivas: A glimpse into his current life

Juan Carlos Vivas, a Venezuelan actor, was a sought-after leading man in the 90s and 2000s, known for his work in projects like “Full Moon Lovers.” He made his television debut in the novel “Anabel” and quickly rose to fame for his charm and talent.

Throughout his career, he appeared in several soap operas, including “The Forbidden Woman,” “Dangerous,” “Quirpa of three women,” “Against all odds,” “Los Querendones,” “Lovers of a full moon,” and “Cosita Rica.” Seeking international opportunities, he joined the cast of “Cosita Linda” in Miami, eventually deciding to relocate to the United States.

However, after limited success in Miami, Juan Carlos stepped away from the entertainment industry. Currently 52 years old, he leads a private life in the US, with little known about his recent activities. He has a daughter named Amanda Daniela Vivas, and maintains a low profile on social media.

His Instagram account, last active in December 2021, features memories of his career and personal moments, showcasing his love for his daughter. Despite his absence from the spotlight, Juan Carlos Vivas remains a beloved figure in the hearts of his fans.

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