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Review: Richard Hawley Returns Home in a Celebratory Mood

‘Something special’ … Richard Hawley performing at the Don Valley Bowl, Sheffield. Photograph: Gary Calton/The Observer

As Richard Hawley steps onto the stage, a Sheffield brutalist monolith, the Moore Street electricity substation, looms on a backdrop behind him. During a stirring rendition of “Coles Corner,” he hoists a sign reading “Welcome to Sheffield,” inciting huge cheers from the audience. He dedicates “Don’t Stare at the Sun” to his two sons, who are joyfully perched on the shoulders of friends in the crowd, their arms linked, singing along to their father’s melodies.

Hawley delivers quiet, delicate songs composed during dog walks in local parks. These tunes have been transformed into the critically acclaimed musical “Standing at the Sky’s Edge,” set in another Sheffield brutalist icon, Park Hill. The atmosphere is undeniably celebratory and distinctly Sheffield as he headlines the first night of a four-day event at a venue accommodating 10,000 people – his largest hometown show to date.

Ironically, the song “Standing at the Sky’s Edge” has become a singalong favorite for tourists in the West End. Yet, as it unfolds with a slow-building, almost western desert rock edge, its dark, brooding tone reflects deep political unrest. Hawley and his band deliver it with palpable intensity.

“Open Up Your Door” showcases Hawley’s voice at its finest – rich, warm, and resonant. Introducing “Tonight the Streets Are Ours,” he expresses hope for the future and the exit of “those Tory fuckers,” prompting raucous cheers and a spirited sing-along. The pro-Sheffield sentiment is consistent throughout the evening, with new song “People” serving as one of Hawley’s most heartfelt tributes to the city. He performs it with genuine tenderness and intimacy, as if in a cozy back room of a beloved local pub.

The night concludes electrifyingly, with a powerful rendition of “Heart of Oak.” Clearly moved by the moment, Hawley remarks, “We’ve made something special here tonight. I’ll see you all in the park walking the dogs.”

Source: The Observer