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Rob Lowe Reveals Being ‘Knocked Out’ by ‘Beast’ Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise is renowned for his athletic abilities, whether through executing his own stunts or maintaining an extensive exercise regimen. According to Rob Lowe, the Mission: Impossible star has always been like this, even when they co-starred in the 80s cult classic, The Outsiders.

Rob shared that he and Tom would “workout and jog, like running bros” together. They even sparred with each other, and one instance went a bit too far. The Parks and Recreation star compared his “pipe cleaner arms” at the time to the “jacked” action star who was already a “beast”.

“He’s so competitive that we used to box in the hallway of the hotel where we were staying during Outsiders,” he said. “So much testosterone. We were 18-year-old guys stuck on location. So we would have headgear and mouthpieces in, but we would legitimately spar.”

Rob recalled a particular moment during one of their fights. He hit Tom “real clean” and “rang his bell” – but it wasn’t enough against the resilient Tom Cruise.

“The next thing I knew, I woke up — I was coming to, on the floor,” Rob said in an interview with Rich Eisen. “And he, like, completely knocked me out.”

He added, “His eyes just went black, but that’s the stuff we did. That’s what guys do. Like Fight Club.”

Despite the incident, Rob holds no grudges against the now 62-year-old star, whom he affectionately called “Tommy”. Rob stated, “I love him so much; he’s the best.”

Rob also mentioned how Tom was “living at Emilio [Estevez]’s house, auditioning right after Taps,” adding that “Taps is a great movie.”

Previously, Rob had said that working with Tom on The Outsiders proved that he was “the real deal,” emphasizing that Tom was “ambitious; never met anybody more ambitious, and I am ambitious.”

However, Tom had quite a reaction when he found out he would be sharing a room with Rob at The Plaza.

“It was the first time I ever stayed at The Plaza Hotel, and we check-in and Tom finds out that we’re sharing a room and just goes ballistic,” Lowe said, laughing. “It made me laugh; it was gnarly. But in the end, you can’t argue with the results. He’s had his eye on the ball since day one.”

Tom is reportedly already filming his eighth Mission: Impossible film, following significant delays.

Source: Rich Eisen Show